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Maggie Clarke Environmental |
Adjunct assistant professor, Medgar Evers College, 2011, Environmental Science, physical geography Adjunct Assistant Professor, City College of New York, Landscape Architecture program, Geomorphology for Landscape Architects, graduate level, 2009. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Hunter College, Environmental Geology (1996, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005); Environmental Conservation and Urban Problems, 1998, Geology 101, 1999. (320 students) Environmental Policy, 2005, Urban Environmental Problems and Solutions, 2004. Scientist in Residence, Adjunct Asst. Professor, Lehman College, Urban Environmental Health, Intro. Geography, Intro. Physical Geography, 2001- 2004 Instructor, Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania's Certification Program
for Professional Recyclers, 2001- 2002. Instructor, Rutgers University, Geography Dept. 1999-2000. Introduction to Geography (200 students), Earth Systems (300 students), Advanced Conservation & Natural Resources. Chief Instructor, Environmental Impact Assessment course, designed for Shell Oil in Nigeria and Nigerian governmental officials, 2000. Technical Director on educational video: "Municipal Solid Waste Management: The Integrated Approach", Air and Waste Management Association, 1994. Video won Best Film by an NGO at Environment India international competition, 1998. Technical Consultant on video documentary, "Environment: Your Own Back Yard". A four-part series featuring solid waste, water supply and land use, water pollution and coastal issues, and air pollution. Produced by WNET/Channel 13, New York, NY 1990; aired nationally in 1991 and subsequently. Guest lectures on solid waste management in courses at Hunter College, City University of New York Graduate Center, Rutgers University -- 1992 - Instructor, Solid Waste Short Course sponsored by University of Maine/Maine DEP, "Flue Gases: Constituents, Monitoring, and Controls", October l986, Portland, ME. Instructor, "What Goes In Stays In -- Does Reduction and Separation Before Incineration Work?" presented at Ashes To ?? -- Problems, Perceptions and Prospects in Municipal Waste Ash Management, A Cook College, Rutgers University Short Course, sponsored by NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection, New Brunswick, NJ, June, 1989.