NYS Consolidated Law
Environmental Conservation Law
§ 27-0107. Local solid waste management plans; purpose and scope.
1. Purpose and scope. 
               (a) A planning unit may undertake and complete a timely  process  leading to a local solid waste management plan for such unit for at least a ten-year period. For purposes of  this  section  and section  27-0109  of  this article, "planning unit" shall mean a county, two or more counties  acting  jointly,  a  local  government  agency  or authority established pursuant to state law for the purposes of managing solid  waste,  any  city located in the county of Nassau, or two or more other municipalities which the department determines to  be  capable  of implementing a regional solid waste management program.
   (b) The local solid waste management plan shall:
    (i)  characterize the solid waste stream to be managed in the planning period;
    (ii) assess existing and alternate  proposed  solid  waste  management programs and facilities;
    (iii) address to the maximum extent practicable the comments and views expressed  by  concerned  governmental,  environmental,  commercial  and industrial interests and the public on the waste  reduction,  recycling, reuse and disposal alternatives;
    (iv)  identify  the  parties  with  responsibility  to  implement each element of the plan and the steps which must be undertaken by each;
    (v) set forth a timetable for implementing the plan;
    (vi) describe the participation in the preparation of the plan of each municipality which has chosen to participate in such preparation; and
    (vii)  describe  (A)  measures  undertaken   by   the   municipalities participating   in   the   planning  unit  to  secure  participation  of neighboring jurisdictions, (B) the limitations, if any, imposed  by  the proposed  plan  on solid waste management alternatives available to such neighboring jurisdictions, and (C) alternatives which would be available if a local solid waste management plan including such jurisdictions were prepared.  Specific  written  suggestions  received   from   neighboring jurisdictions shall be summarized and reflected in the plan.
    (c)  Such  plan  shall  take  into account the objectives of the state solid  waste  management  policy,  provide  for  or  take  into  account management  of  all solid waste within the planning unit, and embody, as may be appropriate to the circumstances, sound principles of solid waste management,  natural  resources  conservation,  energy  production,  and employment creating opportunities.
    (d)  Such  plan  is  authorized  to  include and shall utilize, to the extent practicable, prepared resource materials or generic  analyses  so as  to  minimize  the development and use of original data to degrees of detail not pertinent to the circumstances.
    (e) A plan may be submitted to the department by a  planning  unit  on its   own   initiative   or   upon  the  request  of  the  participating municipalities. The department shall review such  plan  and  advise  the planning unit that:
    (i)  the plan contains the elements set forth in paragraph (b) of this subdivision. Thereafter such plan shall become  the  local  solid  waste management plan in effect for such municipalities; or
    (ii)  the plan as submitted does not contain the elements set forth in paragraph (b) of  this  subdivision.  The  department  shall  state  the reasons for its determination under this subparagraph.
    (f)  For  purposes of this subdivision, the department shall not serve as lead agency as defined in subdivision six of section 8-0111  of  this chapter.
   (g)  For  purposes  of this section, "solid waste" shall have the same meaning as is found in  subdivision  one  of  section  27-0701  of  this article,  but  shall  not  include source, special nuclear or by-product material as defined in the atomic energy act of  1954,  as  amended,  or  hazardous   waste   which   appears   on   the  list  or  satisfies  the characteristics of  hazardous  waste  promulgated  pursuant  to  section 27-0903  of  this  article or, low level radioactive waste as defined in section 29-0101 of this chapter.


    2. The department shall promulgate rules and regulations in accordance with the provisions of the state administrative procedure  act  for  the implementation of this section and section 27-0109 of this article.

§ 27-0103. State solid waste management plan.
    1.  For  the purposes of this article, the department is designated as the official state agency with  the  responsibility  for  preparing  and updating  the  New  York  state solid waste management plan (hereinafter referred to as the "plan") consistent with the state  resource  recovery policies  declared  in  the New York state resource recovery policy act, with this title, with titles five and seven of this  article,  and  with the  federal  "Resource  Conservation  and  Recovery  Act  of  1976" and amendments thereto.
    2. The commissioner shall, with the advice of the  state  solid  waste management  board  established  pursuant  to  section  27-0702  of  this article, biennially  review  the  status  of  programs  and  information contained  within  the  plan and make recommendations for legislation or other state action related to:
    (a) comprehensive procurement policies applicable  to  state  agencies and public authorities which will give maximum feasible encouragement to the procurement of products manufactured with stated levels of secondary materials;
    (b)  incentives for developing and expanding markets for promoting the return  of  secondary  materials  and  other  recovered   resources   to productive use; and
   (c)  analysis  of  packaging and other various components of the waste stream to propose changes which will conserve energy  and  reduce  solid waste generation.   In   making   such   recommendations  and  reviewing  said  plans  the
  commissioner shall take into account sound  principles  of  solid  waste management    and   relevant   considerations   of   natural   resources conservation, energy production and  employment  creating  opportunities and  shall further take into account any relevant changes in federal and state laws, any local solid waste management plans developed pursuant to section 27-0107 of this article, and the experience of  agencies,  local governments,  private industry, the public and the results of the public
  participation contemplated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Guidelines for  Public  Participation  in  Programs  under  the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (40 CFR Part 25). On the basis of that  review,  the  commissioner  shall modify the plan, as appropriate, and, not later than March thirty-first of every other year,  shall  file such modified plan with the governor and the legislature.
    3. Amendments to the plan shall assure current attention to:
    (a)  an  identification  of the boundaries of those regions within the state which, as a result of urban concentration, geographic  conditions, secondary   materials  markets,  technological  feasibility,  and  other factors,  are  appropriate  for  carrying  out  regional   solid   waste management;
    (b)  identification of which solid waste functions will be planned for and carried out by which local authorities, regional authorities,  state authorities,  agencies  and  public  benefit  corporations,  giving  due consideration to the compatibility  of  the  planning  and  implementing functions which can be combined at the local level;
    (c)  identification  of  local,  regional  and  state  authorities and agencies which shall have responsibility for the solid  waste  functions identified  in  the plan which shall be managed and carried out by or on behalf  of  such  entities  or  any  combination  thereof,  giving   due consideration  to  the  compatibility  of  the planning and implementing functions which can be combined at the local level;
    (c-1)  identification  of  strategies,  programs  and  practices,   in consultation with the commissioner of the office of general services, to be undertaken by the state in the management of solid waste generated by state agencies, to ensure the attainment by the state of statewide solid waste  reduction  and  recycling  goals  established  in the plan. Using information obtained from individual state agencies, the plan shall  set forth dates by which the state of New York as a generator of solid waste is  to  recover progressively increasing amounts of recyclable materials from its waste stream and  attain  a  reduction  in  its  waste  stream, consistent  with  the  statewide  waste  reduction  and  recycling goals identified in the plan.

    (d) identification of the environmental  impacts  including,  but  not limited to, air or water pollution, or the generation of hazardous waste resulting from the utilization of solid waste management technologies;

    (e) identification and projections of changes in the waste stream that are  likely to occur during the useful life of a proposed facility, on a statewide and regional basis, during the projected planning period;

    (f) the status of solid waste management activities and capacity,  and projected special needs within the state;

    (g)  an assessment of future programs and resource needs to effectuate the purposes of such plan;

    (h) an assessment of alternative resource recovery practices including but not limited to source separation, waste volume reduction,  community recycling  centers  and sanitary landfill or other environmentally sound disposal manner or practice;

    (i)  any  local  solid  waste  management  plan   submitted   to   the commissioner by or on behalf of any municipality;

    (j) legislative recommendations appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this title; and

    (k) any other recommendations as may be appropriate.


    4.  In the case of any region which, pursuant to the federal "Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976", would be located in two or  more states,  the commissioner shall include in the plan an identification of such regions and the function to be performed thereby and  shall  submit to  the governor and the legislature recommendations for the development and enactment of the interstate agreements necessary to  carry  out  the purposes of this article.


    5.   In   connection  with  developing  and  updating  the  plan,  the commissioner  may  request  and  shall  receive  from  any   department, division,  board, bureau, commission or other agency of the state or any political subdivision thereof or any public  authority  such  assistance and  data  as  may be reasonably necessary to enable the commissioner to carry out his  responsibilities  under  this  section.  In  making  such request,   the  commissioner  shall  consult  and  cooperate  with  such

  municipality  or  other  public  body  to  ensure  against   unnecessary duplication of effort or other administrative inefficiency.


§ 27-0702. Solid waste management board.

    1. There is hereby created within the department the state solid waste management board hereinafter referred to as the "board". The board shall consist   of   a   total  of  fifteen  members  and  shall  include  the commissioners  of  environmental  conservation,  health   and   economic development or a deputy commissioner of such department as designated by the  commissioner  thereof. The board's twelve at-large members shall be appointed  by  the  governor.  Two  such  appointments  shall  be   upon  recommendation  of  the  temporary  president  of  the  senate, two such appointments  shall  be  upon  recommendation  of  the  speaker  of  the assembly,  one  such  appointment  shall  be  upon recommendation of the minority leader of the senate and one such  appointment  shall  be  upon recommendation  of the minority leader of the assembly. Of the remaining six  appointments,  three  of  the   at-large   members   shall   be   a representative   of   local   government   representative  of  different
  geographic areas of the state, two shall be  representative  of  private industry  which  provides  solid  waste  management services or deals in secondary materials, and one shall be  representative  of  organizations whose  prime  function  is  the  protection  of  health or environmental resources. None of  the  members  so  appointed  shall  be  officers  or employees  of  any  state  department  or  agency  and each shall be, by professional training or experience and attainment, qualified to analyze and interpret matters pertaining to solid waste management.
   2. (a) The commissioner shall serve as chairman of the board provided,  however, that his designee may not preside as chairman in  his  absence. The  board  shall elect a vice chairman from among the appointed members to act in the absence of the chairman.
   (b) Each of the twelve at-large  members  appointed  by  the  governor shall  hold  office  for  a  term of two years or until such time as the board shall cease to exist or until  such  member  shall  resign  or  be removed  in  the  manner provided by law, except that one of the initial appointments made on the recommendation of the  temporary  president  of the  senate,  one of the initial appointments made on the recommendation of the speaker of  the  assembly  and  four  of  the  initial  remaining appointments  of  the  governor  shall be for a term of three years. Any vacancy on the board shall be filled by  appointment  pursuant  to  this section.
    3. The members of the board shall serve without compensation for their services  as  members of the board, except that members shall be allowed their necessary and actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties under this section.
    4. The board shall have the power, duty and responsibility to:
   (a) Serve as a working forum for  the  exchange  of  views,  concerns, ideas, information and recommendations relating to implementation of the state  solid  waste  management policy articulated in section 27-0106 of this  article,  market  development  and  secondary   materials,   waste reduction  and  recycling  programs established pursuant to sections one hundred  eighty-one  and  one  hundred  eighty-one-b  of  the   economic development  law,  technical  assistance,  planning  and any other solid
  waste management programs, policies and plans of the department  or  any other state agency or authority;
    (b)  Request  the  attendance  at  any  meeting  of  the board of such personnel of the department or of other state agencies  or  authorities, as  may  be  necessary  to  provide information and otherwise assist the board and request such information from the department  or  other  state agencies  or  authorities  as  the  board  may require in fulfilling its responsibility under this section;
    (c) Monitor, review and make recommendations concerning:
   (i) the objectives, methods and strategies of the department and other state agencies or authorities  in  implementing  and  pursuing  programs designed  to  meet  the  objectives  of the state solid waste management policy;

    (ii)  the  objectives,  methods  and  strategies of the department and other state agencies and authorities in  implementing  the  programs  of assistance to local governments in planning and implementing solid waste management programs; and

    (iii) the objectives, methods and strategies of the department and the department  of  economic  development to promote waste reduction through regulatory activities, interstate cooperation, and assistance  to  local governments and businesses;

    (d)  Coordinate  its  activities  with appropriate boards and advisory bodies of the state or other  agencies  with  related  responsibilities, including  the  board  of operating requirements established pursuant to section 19-0306 of  this  chapter  and  the  state  environmental  board established pursuant to article five of this chapter;

    (e)  Study and make recommendations concerning programs and activities that the department,  and  other  agencies  or  authorities  as  may  be appropriate,  could  undertake  to provide information for the public on how locally proposed or  operated  facilities  conform  with  regulatory requirements and the protections afforded thereby;

    (f)  Request  and  receive, upon reasonable notice, reports from state agencies and public authorities concerning segments of the waste  stream posing  particular problems in disposal, recycling and reuse and, within six  months  of  the  receipt  of   each   such   report,   submit   its recommendations  to  the  governor  and  the legislature concerning such report;

    (g) Make recommendations to the governor and the legislature, no later than one year after the effective date of this  subdivision,  concerning incentives  for  host  communities of solid waste management facilities. Such incentives may include, but need not be limited to, ways to protect against decreases  in  property  values,  rate  structures  which  could benefit  residents of the host community and mechanisms to address local concerns during facility design and operation; and

   (h) Perform other activities  or  services  as  may  be  necessary  to fulfill the purposes of this section.


    5.   Based  upon  its  monitoring,  reviewing  and  other  information available to it,  the  board  shall  report  to  the  governor  and  the legislature  on or before October first of each year its assessment with comments and recommendations regarding solid waste management  programs, their  implementation, available funding and resources, and the need for steps to assure the future availability of funding.


    6. (a) The board shall:

    (i) meet at least quarterly;

    (ii) keep a record of its proceedings; and

    (iii) determine the rules of its own procedures.

    (b) Eight members of the board  shall  constitute  a  quorum  for  the transaction of any business of the board.


    7.  Staff services, including recording of board proceedings, shall be performed by personnel of the department, or such state  departments  or agencies as the chairman deems appropriate or desirable.


NYC Administrative Code
 §  16-140  Solid  Waste  Management  Plan.  
               (a)  No  final solid waste management plan for the city shall  be  submitted  pursuant  to  article twenty-seven   of   the   environmental  conservation  law  unless  such submission has been authorized by the council by local  law,  except  as
  provided in subdivisions c, d and e of this section.
   (b)  A  draft  solid waste management plan for the city which is to be submitted  pursuant  to  article  twenty-seven  of   the   environmental conservation law shall be presented to the council at or before the time of  such  submission, but in no event later than the thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred ninety-two. Any comments by the New  York  State department  of  environmental  conservation  shall be transmitted to the council immediately upon their receipt.
    (c) A proposed final solid waste management plan shall be presented to the council within forty-five days after the receipt of comments by  the New  York State department of environmental conservation but in no event later than the twenty-sixth day of June,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-two. The  council  shall,  not  later  than  the  thirty-first day of August, nineteen hundred ninety-two, pass a local law  which  either  grants  or denies  the authority for the submission of a proposed final solid waste
  management plan for the city.
    (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision c of  this  section, in  the  event that on or before the tenth day of July, nineteen hundred ninety-two, the council passes a local law which  denies  the  authority for  the  submission of a proposed final solid waste management plan for the  city  pursuant  to  article  twenty-seven  of   the   environmental conservation  law and the mayor disapproves such law, such proposed plan shall not be submitted until either two-thirds of all the members of the council have voted whether to repass  such  local  law,  or  the  period within  which  such repassing may occur has expired, pursuant to section thirty-seven of the charter.  In  the  event  that  such  local  law  is repassed  by  a  two-thirds vote of all the members of the council, such proposed plan shall not be submitted.
    (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions a  and  c  of  this section,  in  the  event  the  council  does  not act in accordance with subdivision  c  of  this  section,  such  proposed  final  solid   waste management plan may be submitted pursuant to article twenty-seven of the environmental conservation law.


§ 16-303 Definitions. 
               When used in this chapter:
    a.  "Buy-back  center" means a recycling center that purchases and may otherwise accept recyclable materials from the public for the purpose of recycling such materials.
    b. "Department-collected solid waste" means all solid waste  that  the department  and  its  contractors  collect  and all solid waste that the department receives for free disposal.
    c.  "Department-disposed  of  solid  waste"  means  all  solid  waste, including  department-collected solid waste, disposed of at a department landfill,  incinerator,  resource  recovery  facility  or  other   waste disposal facility owned, operated or used by the department.
    d.  "Drop-off  center"  means  a recycling center that accepts and may otherwise purchase recyclable materials from the public for the  purpose of recycling such materials.
    e.  "Household" means a single dwelling or a residential unit within a multiple dwelling, hotel, motel, campsite,  ranger  station,  public  or private recreation area, or other residence.
    f. "Post-collection separation" means the dividing of solid waste into some or all of its component parts after the point of collection.
    g.  "Post-consumer  material" means only those products generated by a business or a consumer which have served their intended  end  uses,  and which  have been separated or diverted from solid waste for the purposes of collection, recycling and disposition.
    h. "Private carter" means  any  person  required  to  be  licensed  or permitted pursuant to subchapter eighteen of chapter two of title twenty of this code.
    i.  "Recyclable  materials"  means  solid waste that may be separated, collected, processed, marketed and returned to the economy in  the  form of  raw  materials  or  products,  including but not limited to types of metal, glass, paper, plastic, food waste, tires and yard waste.
    j. "Recycled" or "recycling" means any  process  by  which  recyclable materials  are separated, collected, processed, marketed and returned to the economy in the form of raw materials or products.
    k. "Recycling center" means any facility operated  to  facilitate  the separation,  collection, processing or marketing of recyclable materials for reuse or sale.
    l. "Recycling district" means any borough or smaller  geographic  area the  commissioner deems appropriate for the purpose of implementing this chapter.
    m. "Secondary material" means any material recovered from or otherwise destined  for  the  waste  stream,  including  but   not   limited   to, post-consumer  material,  industrial  scrap  material  and  overstock or obsolete inventories from distributors, wholesalers and other companies, but such term does not include those materials and by-products generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process.
    n. "Solid waste" means all putrescible and  non-putrescible  materials or   substances,   except  as  described  in  paragraph  three  of  this subdivision, that are discarded or rejected  as  being  spent,  useless, worthless  or  in  excess  to  the owners at the time of such discard or rejection, including but not limited to garbage, refuse, industrial  and commercial  waste,  rubbish,  tires,  ashes, contained gaseous material, incinerator  residue,  construction  and  demolition  debris,  discarded automobiles and offal.
    1. A material is discarded if it is abandoned by being:
    i. disposed of;
    ii.  burned  or  incinerated, including being burned as a fuel for the purpose of recovering useable energy; or

    iii. accumulated, stored, or physically,  chemically  or  biologically treated  (other  than  burned or incinerated) instead of or before being disposed of.

    2. A material is disposed of if it is discharged, deposited, injected, dumped,  spilled, leaked, or placed into or on any land or water so that such material or any constituent thereof may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into groundwater or surface water.

    3. The following are not solid waste for the purpose of this chapter:

    i. domestic sewage;

    ii. any mixture of  domestic  sewage  and  other  wastes  that  passes through  a  sewer  system  to  a  publicly  owned  treatment  works  for treatment, except any material that is introduced into  such  system  in order  to  avoid the provisions of this chapter or the state regulations promulgated to regulate solid waste management facilities pursuant to  6 NYCRR Part 360;

    iii.  industrial  wastewater  discharges  that are actual point source discharges  subject  to  permits  under   article   seventeen   of   the environmental  conservation  law;  industrial wastewaters while they are being collected, stored, or treated before discharge  and  sludges  that are generated by industrial wastewater treatment are solid wastes;

    iv. irrigation return flows;

    v.   radioactive  materials  that  are  source,  special  nuclear,  or by-product material as defined by the Atomic  Energy  Act  of  1954,  as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2011 et seq.

    vi.  materials  subject  to  in-situ  mining  techniques which are not removed from the ground as part of the extraction process;

    vii.  hazardous  waste  as  defined  in   section   27-0901   of   the environmental conservation law; and

    viii.  regulated  medical waste or other medical waste as described in section 16-120.1 of this title.

    o. "Source separation" means the dividing of solid waste into some  or all of its component parts at the point of generation.

    p.   "Yard  waste"  means  leaves,  grass  clippings,  garden  debris, vegetative residue that is recognizable as part of a plant or vegetable, small or chipped branches, and similar material.



§  16-321  Disclosure requirements. 
               a. Whenever a person, other than a public servant, appointed to any advisory board created pursuant to this subchapter, engages in any business dealings  with  the  department,  or engages  in  business  dealings  with  any  other agency which relate to processing or disposal of solid waste or of waste described in paragraph three of  subdivision  m  of  section  16-303  of  this  chapter  or  to recycling,  or  has  an  interest  in  a  firm  which is engaged in such business dealings with the department or with such  other  agency,  such person shall, prior to appointment, disclose the nature of such business dealings  to the commissioner and to the body or officer appointing such person, and, after appointment, disclose the  nature  of  such  business dealings  to  the  commissioner  and to all other members of such board; provided that such person need not disclose the amount of such  business dealings.
    b. When used in this section:
    1.  "Advisory  committee" means a committee, council, board or similar entity that is constituted to provide advice or recommendations  to  the city  and which has no authority to take a final action on behalf of the city, to take any action that would have  the  effect  of  conditioning, limiting  or  requiring any final action by any other agency, or to take any action that is authorized by law.
    2. "Agency" means a city, county, borough or other  office,  position, administration,   department,   division,   bureau,  board,  commission, authority,  corporation,  advisory  committee   or   other   agency   of government,  the expenses of which are paid in whole or in part from the city treasury, and shall include but not be limited to, the council, the offices of each elected official,  the  board  of  education,  community school boards, community boards, the financial services corporation, the health and hospitals corporation, the public development corporation and the  New York city housing authority, but shall not include any court or any  corporation  or  institution  maintaining  or  operating  a  public library,  museum,  botanical garden, arboretum, tomb, memorial building, aquarium, zoological garden or similar facility.
    3. "Blind trust" means a trust in which a candidate for  any  advisory board  created pursuant to this subchapter or a member of such board, or the spouse or unemancipated child of such candidate  or  member,  has  a beneficial  interest,  the  holdings and sources of income of which such candidate or member and such spouse  and  unemancipated  child  have  no knowledge, and the trustee of which shall have independent authority and discretion.
    4.  "Business  dealings"  means  any  transaction  involving the sale, purchase, rental, disposition or exchange  of  any  goods,  services  or property,  and  any  performance of or litigation with respect to any of the foregoing, but shall  not  include  any  transaction  involving  the residence  of  any  candidate for any advisory board created pursuant to this subchapter or of any member  of  such  board,  or  any  ministerial matter.
    5.  "City"  means  the  city of New York and includes an agency of the city.
    6.  "Elected  official"  means  a  person  holding  office  as  mayor, comptroller,  public  advocate,  borough  president  or  member  of  the council.
    7. "Firm" means a sole  proprietorship,  joint  venture,  partnership, corporation  or  any  other  form of enterprise, but shall not include a public benefit corporation or local development corporation.
    8. "Interest" means an ownership interest in a firm or a position with a firm.

    9. "Ministerial matter" means an administrative act  that  is  carried out  in  a  prescribed  manner  and  which  does not involve substantial personal discretion.

    10.  "Ownership interest" means an interest in a firm that is held by a candidate for any advisory board created pursuant to this  subchapter, or  by  a  member  of such board, or by the spouse, domestic partner, or unemancipated child of such candidate  or  member,  which  exceeds  five percent  of the firm or an investment of twenty-five thousand dollars in cash or other form of commitment, whichever is less, or five percent  or twenty-five  thousand  dollars  of the firm's indebtedness, whichever is less, and any lesser interest in a firm when such candidate  or  member, or  such  spouse,  domestic  partner,  or unemancipated child, exercises managerial control or responsibility regarding any such firm, but  shall not  include  interests  held in any pension plan, deferred compensation plan or mutual fund, the investments of which are not controlled by such candidate  or  member,  or  by  such  spouse,   domestic   partner,   or unemancipated  child,  or  in  any blind trust that holds or acquires an ownership interest.

    11. "Position" means a  position  in  a  firm,  such  as  an  officer, director,  trustee,  employee  or  any  management  position,  or  as an attorney, agent, broker or  consultant  to  the  firm,  which  does  not constitute an ownership interest in the firm.

    12.  "Public  servant"  means all officials, officers and employees of the city, including members of community boards and members of  advisory committees,  except  unpaid  members of advisory committees shall not be public servants.

    13. "Spouse" means a husband or wife of a candidate for  any  advisory board  created  pursuant to this subchapter or of a member of such board who is not legally separated from such candidate or member.

   14.  "Unemancipated  child"  means  any  son,  daughter,  step-son  or step-daughter  who is under the age of eighteen, unmarried and living in the household of a candidate for any advisory board created pursuant  to this subchapter or of the member of such board.