Comments and Questions Regarding the 2000 NYC Solid Waste Management Plan and DEIS
Waste Prevention Committee, Manhattan Citizens' Solid Waste Advisory Board
Marjorie J. Clarke, Ph.D. -- 6/16/2000
Premise of the questions:
According to the NYS Solid Waste Management Act of 1988, the 2000 NYC Solid Waste Management Plan was supposed to present a 10-year schedule for implementing measures to manage and prevent solid waste, prioritizing waste prevention above all other methods, recycling and composting above all but waste prevention, and de-emphasizing disposal (and export) methods. The DEIS attached to the current Solid Waste Management Plan is supposed to evaluate the environmental, economic and social costs and benefits of the actual management Plan chosen by the Department of Sanitation, as well as alternatives to the Plan. Since the Plan has evaluated export of all currently non-recycled wastes and materials to landfill, but provided no new measures for waste prevention, the obvious alternative to the Solid Waste Management Plan would be one replete with milestones (scheduled Plan elements) to implement many waste prevention (as well as recycling and composting) incentives, legislation, and research and educational programs over the next ten year planning timeframe. The FEIS should compare the environmental benefits of waste prevention methods with the costs of long-distance transport and disposal.
The Citys decision to give waste prevention very low funding priority compared with all other waste management methods is not well founded when one considers the fact that waste prevention will, for a relatively small investment, avoid larger expenditures on collection and export. As tons of waste are prevented, collection trucks, personnel and eventually even garages, as well as processing and disposal facilities, can be stretched farther. Processing, treatment and disposal costs associated with the construction and operation of solid waste management facilities can also be reduced if the City moves aggressively to implement waste prevention. It makes little sense to export recyclable, repairable, reusable, remanufacturable, and preventable items (e.g., disposables, excessive packaging, toxics).
Furthermore, it is important to bear in mind that waste prevention investments not only avoid collection and disposal costs in the first year in which they are implemented, but the savings from a single or short-term investment extend out into the future, more than making up for the initial investment. For example, once an office installs e-mail, the amount of paper used plummets, not only in the first year, but in all succeeding years. The expenditure on equipment occurs once; the savings recur year after year without much further expenditure. As another example, if an educational program spurs citizens to start buying items packaged in bulk, carry their own shopping bags, and stop buying so many disposable products, waste is prevented the first year, and this same waste stream will be prevented in all future years without further expenditure as long as the new behavior is maintained.
Potential for Waste Prevention in NYC, Year 2000 -- Opportunity Missed
On page 7-11, Table 7.1.5-1 of the 1992 Solid Waste Management Plan, the City presented the following figures: the Potential for Waste Prevention (Year 2000) shows the tonnage and percent prevented for residential (250,000 tons, 7%), institutional (90,000 tons, 10%), and commercial (330,000 tons, 9%). The overall rate of prevention is just over 8%.
There are great monetary savings and environmental impacts avoided by instituting waste prevention recommendations promised in 1992 SWM Plan: Quote from Pages 17.2-2 to 17.2-3:
The estimates that follow were calculated by DOS and based on assumptions documented in the 1992 Plan Appendix Volumes 3 and 7.1. In the year 2000, this [waste prevention] would amount to approximately 600,000 tons a year. Based on calculations obtained by modeling the City's proposed waste-management system with and without these prevention programs in place, the "avoided costs" to the City's waste-management system due to these reductions are estimated to be in the range of $87 to $92 million in the year 2000, or $700 to $800 million cumulatively between 1992 and 2010 (in net-present-value terms).
On the collection side, a reduction of 600,000 tons a year would reduce collection costs by $26 to $29 million in the year 2000 (because the number of truckshifts would be reduced by 4 to 5%). Vehicle miles traveled would be reduced by 1.6 million miles per year (using System B for illustrative purposes): a 3% decrease, which would reduce vehicular air emissions by a comparable amount.
On the processing side, a reduction of 600,000 tons a year would reduce facility capital and operating costs by $58 to $60 million; require 750 million fewer gallons of water a year for rinsing recyclables (by generators) and 100 to 200 million fewer gallons of water in waste-processing facilities; reduce air emissions from recycling facilities by about 5%, from waste-to-energy facilities by 6% (System A) or 7% (System B), from landfills by 18 to 22% (A,B), and from ashfills by 6-7% (B,A); reduce facility acreage requirements by about 14 acres; demands on landfill capacity by about 15%, and ashfill capacity by about 8%.
The estimated cost of a partial prevention program (for backyard composting and public education) is $20 per ton in the year 2000, while the full avoided cost would be on the order of $140 per ton for System A and $150 per ton for System B. As much as $120 to $130 per ton in prevention programs therefore could be added before costs would exceed benefits. The effects of a more-effective-than-projected prevention program and of a less-effective-than-projected program are represented in Figure 17.2.1-1, which shows that prevention programs become increasingly cost-effective as prevented percentages increase. The reason for this is that larger prevented tonnages allow relatively greater reductions in truck shifts and facility capacity; conversely, when reductions are smaller, fewer savings are captured through reduced collection and facility costs.
Economic Development Opportunities --- Delayed
In addition to the obvious fact that waste prevented need not be collected, treated, and is not subject to disposal costs, there are further benefits. Savings begin in production (for example, reduced packaging) and continue through the markets to the consumer). New York City government itself is a huge consumer and could save many millions in purchasing as well as through DOS in reduced collection and disposal costs.
Waste prevention also carries with it the possibility of job creation. While some manufacturing and production jobs might be eliminated, service, repair and reconditioning jobs are increased. We have long promoted (with the support of DOS) the creation of repair / swap facilities in each Community board. Young people trained in vocational schools to recondition small appliances and furniture could eventually result in the increase in small businesses similar to these centers. Left over paint (a disposal problem) could be sold for small jobs to grateful handymen/women, and given away to nonprofits.
Job creation exists for many industries, including repair businesses, rental shops, thrift and other resale stores, cleaning establishments, spare parts manufacturing, and others. The types of jobs created can span the range of skill levels, including jobs in training, management, unskilled labor, and entrepreneur. The Council on the Environment has shown in its pilot projects the enormous savings that waste prevention has provided to the businesses and large institutions it studied. Such savings can be achieved by all businesses, institutions, as well as by City government offices and facilities. The implementation of Intro. 482 would, very quickly, produce enormous savings in purchasing and in collection and disposal costs, and in reduced consumption of supplies in City agencies.
Since one aspect of waste prevention, reuse, depends on businesses that promote product longevity, anything the City can do to encourage reuse will promote development of these industries. It is for these reasons that we argue strongly that investments in waste prevention must be increased. Initiatives in the areas of research, education, programs, measurement, legislation, and reporting, are of the highest priority.
Questions for Department of Sanitation (and reviewers of the Plan and DEIS):
Overall Question:
Companion overall question on recycling:
a. Since EPA's has issued a report recently that details numerous municipalities that have already achieved greater than 50% recycling and composting diversion rates, since the Independent Budget Office figures indicate that the per ton cost of recycling will soon be the same or less than export, and since the 1988 NYS Solid Waste Management Act established that all local solid waste management plans be written to include sufficient milestones to achieve the goal of 40-42% diversion for recycling by 1997, what are the legal, environmental, social, and economic justifications (costs AND benefits) that the NYC draft Solid Waste Management Plan does not include sufficient milestones to achieve this amount of recycling and composting in the 10-year planning timeframe?
b. Why is there no ten-year planning timeframe for recycling and composting?
c. Why has the DEIS not evaluated recycling and composting methods as alternatives to the proposed Export Project for ANY percentage of the NYC "waste" stream that is now slated for export? The FEIS should evaluate the environmental, economic, and social impacts of recycling and composting of 1997 figure of 40% and a proposed 2010 figure of 60% of the "waste" stream that NYC plans to export in its draft Solid Waste Management Plan.
Information and Reports
Follow-up on Earlier Waste Prevention / Recycling Planning Commitments by New York City;
Specific Questions regarding the Plan and DEIS
On page 19-41 of the DEIS, there is a reference to the incremental cost of recycling evaluation. The results of this evaluation suggests that recycling is more expensive than export, and therefore, recycling is not a cost-effective (partial) alternative to export. However, it appears that DOS has overestimated the incremental cost of recycling by a number of assumptions: no additional design capacity, a lower dollars per ton avoided cost of transportation and disposal, a lower avoided collection cost, and attributing additional administrative and outreach and education costs to recycling.
To understand the assumptions behind DOS estimate of the incremental cost (savings) of recycling:
50. Please explain why the SWMP (Table 4.3-2) uses a figure of $73.40/ton for avoided refuse transport and disposal costs, while the DEIS (Table 19.5-2) reports an average of $95.50/ton for refuse transport and disposal costs. Why wasnt $95.50 per ton figure reported in the DEIS used in the calculation of incremental cost of recycling?
Background: The incremental cost of recycling is referred to in the DEIS on p. 19-41. DOS states in the SWMP Draft Modification (Section 4.3) that the incremental cost of recycling for FY 2002 is based on a fully implemented long-term export plan. However, it appears that $73.40 per ton avoided transport and disposal cost was used in this calculation of the incremental cost of recycling. DOS has estimated that the average disposal cost under the proposed fully implemented long-term export plan will be $95.50 per ton (DEIS, p. 19-44, Table 19.5-2; SWMP Table 4.2-1). Using $73.40 per ton, DOS calculated the incremental cost of recycling to be $13 (SWMP, Table 4.3-2). However, if $95.50 per ton is used, the incremental cost of recycling is actually an incremental savings of $9 per ton. This implies that for every ton of NYC trash that is recycled instead of export, the city saves $9 per ton. If this is correct, using DOS projected rate of recycling for FY 2002 (25%), this would translate to an annual savings of $8.4 million.
51. If it is correct that recycling provides a savings over export, shouldnt the DEIS evaluate scenarios going beyond 25% for recycling, as suggested by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) in their comments dated April 21, 1999 and December 22, 1998 on the EIS Scoping Document?
52. Please explain how could the design capacity of the transfer facilities and cost not be at all proportional to the tonnage of trash sent to the facilities, specifically assuming that there is no curbside recycling and the proposed facilities would receive an additional 25% of refuse?
Background: In devising the estimated avoided export costs for the incremental cost of recycling, DOS claims that even if it is assumed that there is no curbside recycling and the proposed facilities would receive an additional 25% of refuse, that an increase in design capacity of proposed facilities is not required (SWMP, p. 117). As a result, an increase in the avoided cost of disposal is not required when calculating the incremental cost of recycling. Even assuming that facilities are built with excess capacity, if we further assume that the city would send 25% more trash to the proposed facilities, that would mean facilities would have to operate daily at peak capacity and the city would be without a buffer for emergency/peak requirements. This suggests that under the DOS assumptions for no curbside recycling, the design capacity of the facility would have to increase. Therefore, the calculation of avoided disposal cost due to a 25% recycling rate must include the cost of additional design capacity over the design capacity proposed in the long-term export plan.
55. If the City is required by court order to achieve a 40% recycling rate, why does the DEIS evaluate the impact of exporting waste at only a 25% recycling rate? Why is there no recycling plan or clearly defined milestones to increase the citys recycling diversion rate to comply with the court order?
Background: The city is required to reduce or recycle 4,240 tons per day by FY 2002 under the court order, but plans to recycle only 3,003 tons per day under the proposed long-term export plan.
56. Why doesnt the DEIS evaluate post collection separation to enhance the Citys recycling rate (as suggested by the DEC in their comments dated April 23, 1999 and December 21, 1998 on the EIS Scoping Document), since it appears that recycling is a lower cost alternative to waste export?
57. What is the correlation between recycling tonnage and number of refuse collection and relay posts? How many additional tons of recyclables must be collected before DOS is able to reduce the number of collection and relay posts?
Background: In the analysis of the interim plan on Page 19-42, the DEIS states that " the number of collection and relay posts has also been affected as the recycling program has been expanded and recycling collection frequency increased. As more material is collected for recycling, the number of refuse collection and relay posts can be decreased."
Air Pollution
Background: As stated on p. 23-64 on the DEIS, pollution emissions rates from diesel engines were estimated for each of the operations using emissions factors from EPAs Non-road Engine Vehicle Emission Study Report (EPA-21A-2001, November 1991). The DEIS should evaluate pollution emission rates and air quality in light of the newly proposed EPA regulations on diesel, or at least reference the proposed regulations. The new proposed regulations governing emissions standards for diesel engines would be phased in between 2007 and 2010, and the proposal addressing diesel fuel could go into effect in June 2006. These proposed EPA regulations would directly influence the implementation and associated economic and environmental impacts of the DOS proposed long-term export plan. Implementation of these diesel regulations would cut nitrogen oxide emissions by 95%, soot by 90%, and sulfur emissions from 50 parts per million (ppm) to 15 ppm.
Background: Dioxin is known to be a pollutant emitted by diesel-fueled vehicles, and a human carcinogen. EPA has recently released a report on dioxin, which characterizes dioxin as a human carcinogen. This report can be found on EPAs website:
Background: According to the California Air Resources Board (ARB), "emissions from diesel-fueled engines are composed of particulate matter and gases, which contain potential cancer-causing substances such as arsenic, benzene, formaldehyde, nickel, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Emissions from diesel-fueled engines currently include over 40 substances that are listed by USEPA as hazardous air pollutants and by the ARB has toxic air pollutants Research studies show that emissions from diesel-fueled engines may cause cancer in animals and humans. Studies show that workers exposed to higher levels of emissions from diesel-fueled engines are more likely to develop lung cancer. In 1990, in the State of California, under Proposition 65, identified diesel exhaust as a chemical known to cause cancer The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that diesel engine exhaust probably causes cancer in humans. (Source: California Air Resources Board's website:, Fact Sheet: The Toxic Air Contaminant Identification Process: Toxic Air Contaminant Emissions from Diesel-fueled Engines Table 2 in the attached report shows that diesel exhaust to be more carcinogenic than vinyl chloride, benzene and asbestos!
USEPA has been looking into the toxic character of diesel emissions as well. Even in 1994, when the following was written, the carcinogenic effect of mobile emission sources was clear: "Motor vehicles emit several pollutants that EPA classifies as known or probable human carcinogens. Benzene, for instance, is a known human carcinogen, while formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene and diesel particulate matter are probable human carcinogens. Studies are underway to determine whether other toxic substances are present in mobile source emissions. For example, EPA and industry are investigating whether oxygen-containing fuel additives such as methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) cause any adverse health effects. EPA is also working with the vehicle and fuel industries to test motor vehicle emissions for the presence of dioxin.
EPA estimates that mobile (car, truck, and bus) sources of air toxics account for as much as half of all cancers attributed to outdoor sources of air toxics. This estimate is not based on actual cancer cases, but on models that predict the maximum number of cancers that could be expected from current levels of exposure to mobile source emissions. The models consider available health studies, air quality data, and other information about the types of vehicles and fuels currently in use. Nonroad mobile sources (such as tractors and snowmobiles) emit air toxics as well." (Source: USEPA website: EPA 400-F-92-004, August 1994 Fact Sheet OMS-2
Since this was written EPA has moved against MBTE and has issued a report (June, 2000) determining the family of dioxins and furans, which the California Air Resources Board HAS FOUND in car and truck emissions, to be carcinogenic to humans.
Budget-related Questions:
Baseline years
There is considerable variation in the fiscal years and data sets used to provide baselines for overall costs and for pricing various components of the cost and alternatives.
Background: As discussed in sections 3.2 and 19.5 of the DEIS, FY 2002 is only relevant as the base year in that it is the year that Fresh Kills will close. The DEIS calls FY 2002 the build year, even though the interim plan will still be in effect in 2002. The only proposed facility that is scheduled to be operational by FY 2002 is the transfer facility on Staten Island. The Southwest Brooklyn transfer facility is scheduled to be operational in FY 2003, and the remaining proposed four facilities are not scheduled to be operational until 2004. The long-term export plan is not scheduled to be fully implemented until FY 2004.
Borough self-sufficiency policy
Under borough self-sufficiency, would collection routes to the transfer facilities change compared to the routes in 1997, specifically:
71. Please list all instances where trucks would travel less distance to get to a transfer facility in the same borough, than under the route scheme in 1997.
72. What is the difference in the total length of the collection routes, including relays, under the proposed long-term export plan compared to the collection route in 1997?
73. What is the cost associated with each additional mile that the sanitation trucks must travel on a collection route, including relays (i.e., fuel, maintenance, labor, and environmental and social impacts)? Have these incremental costs been evaluated?
74. What is the incremental cost of borough self-sufficiency for trash collection, including relays?
75. In 1997, besides trash going from Queens to the Greenpoint MTS, did the DOS sanitation trucks ever transport trash from one borough to another boroughs MTS?
76. In 1997, how did DOS determine which transfer facility a sanitation truck should go to?
Was it based on distance to the nearest MTS?
Background: Although the transfer facility sites in FY 1997 may be virtually identical to those that would be used under the proposed plan, because of borough self-sufficiency the distance that trash must travel to get to a transfer facility in their borough might actually longer. On p. 19-45, the DEIS assumes the productivity of collection in FY 1997 and the proposed plan are approximately the same. The length of the collection routes would appear to be longer under the proposed long-term export plans borough self-sufficiency policy. Borough self-sufficiency could potentially decrease the productivity of collection given that some collection routes would be longer. Instead of delivering trash to the closest transfer station regardless of borough affiliation, under the proposed plan some sanitation trucks might have to travel longer distances to bring the trash to a transfer station within the same borough. Moreover, in estimating the incremental cost of recycling analysis in FY 2002, DOS uses collection costs based on FY 1997 numbers, potentially underestimating the avoided cost of collection.
Background: In the DEIS, DOS does not evaluate the incremental cost, or the economic, social and environment impacts of the borough self-sufficiency policy. There is a perception that this policy will reduce the impact in certain communities, but there is no information in the DEIS on the cumulative fiscal, environment or social impact on the city and its communities. It should be noted that borough self-sufficiency is not applied to commercial waste or recycling, or directly related to the proposed long-term plan to residential waste being tranported to a transfer facility or containerized residential waste that has left a transfer facility by barge or rail (i.e. containerized waste that might be sent via barge to the Howland Hook Marine Terminal in Staten Island).
Contingency planning and effect on cost of delays in implementation of the proposed long-term export plan.
Background: All the interim waste export contracts are 3 year contracts with 2 one year extensions. The costs of the interim plan in the analysis in Chapter 19 (p. 19-46) appear to be based on not having to renegotiate any of these contracts. The citys contingency plan (should the facilities proposed under the long-term export plan not operational as scheduled) appears to be the continuation of the interim export plan.
92. The FY 2004 date for the completion of the Linden EBUF seems overly optimistic. What are the assumptions behind this schedule? Include: information about assumptions for types of permits needed and time to secure permits; design and construction requirements including, for example, dredging the harbor and additional remediation of the site; delays due to public opposition (which appears to be plentiful), etc.
Planning, alternatives and risk management
Commercial waste
Background: The DEIS does not address the impact that the proposed plan will have on commercial waste export, despite over 50% of the citys total waste is commercial and handling and export of commercial waste has significant environmental and social impacts on the city.
List of DOS Reports not appended to the Plan or DEIS
Other DOS Reports:
21. NYCitySen$e Guide
Court Order Documents:
May 27, 1998
Mr. John D. Dunlap, III
Air Resources Board
2020 L Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Dear Chairman Dunlap:
I am pleased to forward to you the Scientific Review Panels (SRP/Panel) Findings (enclosure) for the Proposed Identification of Diesel Exhaust as a Toxic Air Contaminant Report as adopted unanimously at the Panels April 22, 1998 meeting.
The data, developed and reviewed by OEHHA and ARB, in the scientific risk assessment on exposure to diesel exhaust (Part A) and its health effects (Part B), are extensive and scientifically sound. The SRP notes the report documents the fact that diesel exhaust includes over 40 substances listed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as hazardous air pollutants and by the ARB as toxic air contaminants.
The exposure estimate in the report may underestimate many Californians actual total exposure because it excludes elevated exposures near roadways, railroad tracks, and inside vehicles. Other routes of exposure to diesel exhaust, such as ingestion and dermal absorption are also excluded.
Development of this report began in 1989, and this compound has the most human epidemiological studies (over 30) than any of the previous 21 toxic air contaminant reports the Panel has reviewed. These studies have investigated the relationship between occupational diesel exhaust exposure and lung cancer, and the epidemiological evidence indicates exposure to diesel exhaust increases the risk of lung cancer. It is noted that in 1990 the State of California, pursuant to Proposition 65, identified diesel exhaust as a chemical "known to the State to cause cancer."
There are a number of adverse long-term noncancer effects associated with exposure to diesel exhaust. These effects include chronic bronchitis, inflammation of lung tissue, thickening of the alveolar walls, immunological allergic reactions, and airway constriction. As new quantitative data emerge from research on adverse noncancer effects from diesel exhaust, the Reference Exposure Level may require adjustment.
John D. Dunlap, III, Chairman
May 27, 1998
Page Two
The Panel believes there is still more to be learned about the adverse health effects associated with exposure to diesel exhaust. The Panel is concerned that some technological advances may result in greater total particulate exposure, particularly of fine particles that penetrate deeper into the lungs, but some controls and fuels may reduce overall particulate level. The Panel encourages further research to quantify the amounts of specific compounds emitted from a variety of engine technologies, operating cycles, and fuel to characterize better any differences between old and new fuels and technologies.
The Panel recognizes that diesel exhaust is a mixture of compounds and the potency factor may change as a result of new engine technologies and "cleaner" fuel. Accordingly, the unit risk factor may change as a result of new peer reviewed research.
We welcome any opportunity to provide additional information helpful to you or that would facilitate the process of identification.
We would appreciate our Findings and this transmittal letter being made a part of the final report.
John R. Froines, Ph.D.
Acting Chairman
Scientific Review Panel
cc: Scientific Review Panel Members
Michael Kenny, ARB
Bill Lockett, ARB
Findings of the Scientific Review Panel on
as adopted at the Panels April 22, 1998, Meeting
Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 39661, the Scientific Review Panel (SRP/Panel) has reviewed the report Proposed Identification of Diesel Exhaust as a Toxic Air Contaminant by the staffs of the California Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) describing the public exposure to, and health effects of, diesel exhaust. The Panel members also reviewed the public comments received on this report.
Panel members participated in workshops devoted to discussion of the exposure and health issues associated with diesel exhaust in September 1994, January 1996, July 1997, and March 1998. The SRP reviewed the issues at its meetings in October 1997 and April 1998. A special meeting of the SRP was held on March 11, 1998, to hear testimony on health issues including the quantitative risk assessment from highly respected scientists invited by the Panel. Based on these reviews and information provided at scientific workshops and meetings, the SRP makes the following findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 39661:
Exposure related conclusions
1. Diesel exhaust is a complex mixture of gases and fine particles emitted by a diesel-fueled internal combustion engine.
2. The gaseous fraction is composed of typical combustion gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. However, as a result of incomplete combustion, the gaseous fraction also contains air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, volatile organics, alkenes, aromatic hydrocarbons, and aldehydes, such as formaldehyde and 1,3-butadiene and low-molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and PAH-derivatives.
3. One of the main characteristics of diesel exhaust is the release of particles at a markedly greater rate than from gasoline-fueled vehicles, on an equivalent fuel energy basis. The particles are mainly aggregates of spherical carbon particles coated with inorganic and organic substances. The inorganic fraction primarily consists of small solid carbon (or elemental carbon) particles ranging from 0.01 to 0.08 microns in diameter. The organic fraction consists of soluble organic compounds such as aldehydes, alkanes and alkenes, and high-molecular weight PAH and PAH-derivatives, such as nitro-PAHs. Many of these PAHs and PAH-derivatives, especially nitro-PAHs, have been found to be potent mutagens and carcinogens. Nitro-PAH compounds can also be formed during transport through the atmosphere by reactions of adsorbed PAH with nitric acid and by gas-phase radical-initiated reactions in the presence of oxides of nitrogen.
4. Diesel exhaust includes over 40 substances that are listed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) as hazardous air pollutants and by the ARB as toxic air contaminants. Fifteen of these substances are listed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as carcinogenic to humans, or as a probable or possible human carcinogen. Some of these substances are: acetaldehyde; antimony compounds; arsenic; benzene; beryllium compounds; bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate; dioxins and dibenzofurans; formaldehyde; inorganic lead; mercury compounds; nickel; POM (including PAHs); and styrene.
5. Almost all of the diesel particle mass is in the fine particle range of 10 microns or less in diameter (PM10). Approximately 94 percent of the mass of these particles are less than 2.5 microns in diameter. Because of their small size, these particles can be inhaled and a portion will eventually become trapped within the small airways and alveolar regions of the lung.
6. The estimated population-weighted average outdoor diesel exhaust PM10 concentration in California for 1995 is 2.2 microgram per cubic meter (µg/m3). Several independent studies have reported similar outdoor air diesel exhaust PM10 concentrations. The 1995 estimated average indoor exposure concentration is approximately 1.5 µg/m3.
7. The population time-weighted average total air exposure to diesel exhaust particle concentrations across all environments (including outdoors) is estimated to be 1.5 µg/m3 in 1995. This total exposure estimate may underestimate many Californians' actual total exposure because it excludes elevated exposures near roadways, railroad tracks, and inside vehicles. Near-source exposures to diesel exhaust may be as much as five times higher than the 1995 population time-weighted average total air exposure. It also excludes other routes of exposure to diesel exhaust, such as ingestion and dermal absorption.
8. Diesel engine exhaust contains small carbonaceous particles and a large number of chemicals that are adsorbed onto these particles or present as vapors. These particles have been the subject of many studies because of their adverse effects on human health and the environment. A recent study conducted for the Health Effects Institute showed that, despite a substantial reduction in the weight of the total particulate matter, the total number of particles from a 1991-model engine was 15 to 35 times greater than the number of particles from a 1988 engine when both engines were operated without emission control devices. This suggests that more fine particles, a potential health concern, could be formed as a result of new technologies. Further study is needed since the extent of these findings only measured exhaust from two engines and engine technologies.
9. The major sources of diesel exhaust in ambient outdoor air are estimated to emit approximately 27,000 tons per year in 1995. On-road mobile sources (heavy-duty trucks, buses, light-duty cars and trucks) contribute the majority of total diesel exhaust PM10 emissions in California. Other mobile sources (mobile equipment, ships, trains, and boats) and stationary sources contribute the remaining emissions.
10. Significant progress has been made as a result of federal and state regulations that have addressed particulate matter levels from diesel engines. Emissions of on-road mobile source diesel exhaust PM10 in California are expected to decline by approximately 85 percent from 1990 to 2010 as a result of mobile source regulations already adopted by the ARB.
11. The results of a study funded by the ARB at the University of California, Riverside, indicate that the diesel exhaust from the new fuel tested contained the same toxic air contaminants as the old fuel, although their concentrations and other components may differ. Further research would be helpful to quantify the amounts of specific compounds emitted from a variety of engine technologies, operating cycles, and fuel to characterize better any differences between old and new fuels and technologies.
Health effects associated with diesel exhaust
12. A number of adverse short-term health effects have been associated with exposures to diesel exhaust. Occupational exposures to diesel exhaust particles have been associated with significant cross-shift decreases in lung function. Increased cough, labored breathing, chest tightness, and wheezing have been associated with exposure to diesel exhaust in bus garage workers. A significant increase in airway resistance and increases in eye and nasal irritation were observed in human volunteers following one-hour chamber exposure to diesel exhaust. In acute or subchronic animal studies, exposure to diesel exhaust particles induced inflammatory airway changes, lung function changes, and increased the animals' susceptibility to infection.
13. A number of adverse long-term noncancer effects have been associated with exposure to diesel exhaust. Occupational studies have shown that there may be a greater incidence of cough, phlegm and chronic bronchitis among those exposed to diesel exhaust than among those not exposed. Reductions in pulmonary function have also been reported following occupational exposures in chronic studies. Reduced pulmonary function was noted in monkeys during long-term exposure. Histopathological changes in the lung of diesel-exposed test animals reflect inflammation of the lung tissue. These changes include dose-dependent proliferations of type II epithelial cells, marked infiltration of macrophages, plasma cells and fibroblasts into the alveolar septa, thickening of the alveolar walls, alveolar proteinosis, and focal fibrosis.
14. Studies have shown that diesel exhaust particles can induce immunological reactions and localized inflammatory responses in humans, as well as acting as an adjuvant for pollen allergy. Intranasal challenge with diesel exhaust particles in human volunteers resulted in increased nasal IgE antibody production and a significant increase in mRNA for pro-inflammatory cytokines. Co-exposure to diesel exhaust particles and ragweed pollen resulted in a nasal IgE response greater than that following pollen or diesel exhaust particles alone. Effects of intratracheal, intranasal, and inhalation exposures of laboratory animals are supportive of the findings in humans. These effects include eosinophilic infiltration into bronchi and bronchioles, elevated IgE response, increased mucus secretion and respiratory resistance, and airway constriction.
15. Based on the animal studies, the U.S. EPA determined a chronic inhalation Reference Concentration value of 5 µg/m3 for noncancer effects of diesel exhaust. This estimate takes into consideration persons who may be more sensitive than others to the effects of diesel exhaust. The report supports the recommendation of 5 µg/m3 as the California Reference Exposure Level (REL) (Table 1). It should be noted that this REL may need to be lowered further as more data emerge on potential adverse noncancer effects from diesel exhaust.
16. Diesel exhaust contains genotoxic compounds in both the vapor phase and the particle phase. Diesel exhaust particles or extracts of diesel exhaust particles are mutagenic in bacteria and in mammalian cell systems, and can induce chromosomal aberrations, aneuploidy, and sister chromatid exchange in rodents and in human cells in vitro. Diesel exhaust particles induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in vitro in mammalian cells. DNA adducts have been isolated from calf thymus DNA in vitro following treatment with diesel exhaust particle extracts. DNA adducts have been shown to increase following inhalation exposure of rodents and monkeys to whole diesel exhaust. Elevated levels of DNA adducts have been associated with occupational exposure to diesel exhaust. Results of inhalation bioassays in the rat, and with lesser certainty in mice, have demonstrated the carcinogenicity of diesel exhaust in test animals, although the mechanisms by which diesel exhaust induces lung tumors in animals remains uncertain.
17. Over 30 human epidemiological studies have investigated the potential carcinogenicity of diesel exhaust. These studies, on average, found that long-term occupational exposures to diesel exhaust were associated with a 40 percent increase in the relative risk of lung cancer. The lung cancer findings are consistent and the association is unlikely to be due to chance. These epidemiological studies strongly suggest a causal relationship between occupational diesel exhaust exposure and lung cancer.
18. Other agencies or scientific bodies have evaluated the health effects of diesel exhaust. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health first recommended in 1988 that whole diesel exhaust be regarded as a potential occupational carcinogen based upon animal and human evidence. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that diesel engine exhaust is probably carcinogenic to humans and classified diesel exhaust in Group 2A. Based upon the IARC findings, in 1990, the State of California under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) identified diesel exhaust as a chemical "known to the State to cause cancer." The U.S. EPA has proposed a conclusion similar to IARC in their draft documents. The 1998 draft U.S. EPA document concluded similarly that there was sufficient animal evidence of carcinogenicity and that the human evidence was limited.
19. There are data from human epidemiological studies of occupationally exposed populations which are useful for quantitative risk assessment. The estimated range of lung cancer risk (upper 95% confidence interval) based on human epidemiological data is 1.3 x 10-4 to 2.4 x 10-3 (µg/m3)-1 (Table 2). After considering the results of the meta-analysis of human studies, as well as the detailed analysis of railroad workers, the SRP concludes that 3 x 10-4 (µg/m3)-1 is a reasonable estimate of unit risk expressed in terms of diesel particulate. Thus this unit risk value was derived from two separate approaches which yield similar results. A comparison of estimates of risk can be found in Table 3.
20. Based on available scientific information, a level of diesel exhaust exposure below which no carcinogenic effects are anticipated has not been identified.
21. Based on available scientific evidence, as well as the results of the risk assessment, we conclude that diesel exhaust be identified as a Toxic Air Contaminant.
22. As with other substances evaluated by this Panel and after reviewing the field of published peer reviewed research studies on diesel exhaust, additional research is appropriate to clarify further the health effects of diesel exhaust. This research may have significance for estimating the unit risk value.
23. The Panel, after careful review of the February 1998 draft SRP version of the ARB report, Proposed Identification of Diesel Exhaust as a Toxic Air Contaminant, as well as the scientific procedures and methods used to support the data, the data itself, and the conclusions and assessments on which the Report is based, finds this report with the changes specified during our October 16, 1997, meeting and as a result of comments made at the March 11, 1998, meeting, is based upon sound scientific knowledge, methods, and practices and represents a complete and balanced assessment of our current scientific understanding.
For these reasons, we agree with the science presented in Part A by ARB and Part B by OEHHA in the report on diesel exhaust and the ARB staff recommendation to its Board that diesel exhaust be listed by the ARB as a Toxic Air Contaminant.
I certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the findings adopted by the Scientific Review Panel on April 22, 1998.
John R. Froines, Ph.D
Acting Chairman,
Scientific Review Panel
Compound |
Health Value |
Endpoint |
Acetaldehyde |
9 µg/m3 |
Respiratory System |
Diesel Exhaust |
5 µg/m3 |
Respiratory System |
Inorganic Lead |
4.6 x 10-4 (µg/m3)-1 |
Cardiovascular Mortality |
Perchloroethylene |
35 µg/m3 |
Alimentary System (Liver) |
µg/m3: microgram per cubic meter
FROM 1984 TO 1998
(in order of cancer potency)
Compound |
Unit Risk (µg/m3)-1 |
Range (µg/m3)-1
Dioxins |
3.8 x 101 | 2.4 x 101 to 3.8 x 101 |
Chromium VI | 1.5 x 10-1 | 1.2 x 10-2 to 1.5 x 10-1 |
Cadmium | 4.2 x 10-3 | 2.0 x 10-3 to 1.2 x 10-2 |
Inorganic Arsenic | 3.3 x 10-3 | 6.3 x 10-4 to 1.3 x 10-2 |
Benzo[a]pyrene | 1.1 x 10-3 | 1.1 x 10-3 to 3.3 x 10-3 |
Diesel Exhaust | 3 x 10-4 | 1.3 x 10-4 to 2.4 x 10-3 |
Nickel | 2.6 x 10-4 | 2.1 x 10-4 to 3.7 x 10-3 |
1,3-Butadiene | 1.7 x 10-4 | 4.4 x 10-6 to 3.6 x 10-4
Ethylene Oxide |
8.8 x 10-5 | 6.1 x 10-5 to 8.8 x 10-5 |
Vinyl Chloride | 7.8 x 10-5 | 9.8 x 10-6 to 7.8 x 10-5 |
Ethylene Dibromide | 7.1 x 10-5 | 1.3 x 10-5 to 7.1 x 10-5 |
Carbon Tetrachloride | 4.2 x 10-5 | 1.0 x 10-5 to 4.2 x 10-5 |
Benzene | 2.9 x 10-5 | 7.5 x 10-6 to 5.3 x 10-5 |
Ethylene Dichloride | 2.2 x 10-5 | 1.3 x 10-5 to 2.2 x 10-5 |
Inorganic Lead | 1.2 x 10-5 | 1.2 x 10-5 to 6.5 x 10-5 |
Perchloroethylene | 5.9 x 10-6 | 3.0 x 10-7 to 1.1 x 10-5 |
Formaldehyde | 6.0 x 10-6 | 2.5 x 10-7 to 3.3 x 10-5 |
Chloroform | 5.3 x 10-6 | 6.0 x 10-7 to 2.0 x 10-5 |
Acetaldehyde | 2.7 x 10-6 | 9.7 x 10-7 to 2.7 x 10-5 |
Trichloroethylene | 2.0 x 10-6 | 8.0 x 10-7 to 1.0 x 10-5 |
Methylene Chloride | 1.0 x 10-6 | 3.0 x 10-7 to 3.0 x 10-6 |
Asbestos | 1.9 x 10-4 (per 100fiber/m3) |
Lung: 11 - 110 x 10-6 (per 100 fiber/m3) Mesothelioma: 38 - 190 x 10-6 (per 100 fiber/m3) |
µg/m3: microgram per cubic meter
Comparison of Other Organizations Estimated 95% Upper Confidence Limits of
Lifetime Risk per µg/m3 Diesel Particulate Matter from Risk Assessments Based on Epidemiologic Data with OEHHA Estimates
Method |
Unit Risk/Range | Basis of Assessment | Reference |
Epidemiologic analysis | 3 x 10-4 | based on smoking-adjusted pooled RR | Smith, 1998 |
Epidemiologic analysisb | 3.6 x 10-4 to 2.4 x 10-3 | case-control study of Garshick et al., 1987 | OEHHA, Part B, Section 7.3.3 |
Epidemiologic analysis | 2.8 x 10-4 to 1.8 x 10-3 | cohort study of Garshick et al., 1988 |
OEHHA, Part B, Section 7.3.4 |
Epidemiologic analysis | 1.3 to 7.2 x 10-4 | cohort study, time varying conc., roof (3,50) pattern | OEHHA, Part B, Appendix D |
Epidemiologic analysis | 3.8 x 10-4 to 1.9 x 10-3 | cohort study, time varying conc., ramp (1,50) pattern | OEHHA, Part B, Appendix D |
Epidemiologic analysis | 1.4 x 10-3 | London transport studyc | Harris, 1983 |
Epidemiologic analysis | 2 x 10-3 | epidemiologic data of Garshick (top end of U.S. EPAs range) | U.S. EPA, 1998; |
Epidemiologic analysis | 1.3 x 10-4 to 1.3 x 10-2 | using smoking adjusted RR and exposures of 5 or 500 µg/m3 |
OEHHA, Part B, Section 7.3; bracketed risk bounds |
a) Bolded values are included in OEHHAs range of risk.
b) Obtained by applying Harris slope of 5 x 10-4 (µg/m3 x yr)-1 to California life table.