Testimony & Recommendations
Summary of Recommendations

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Proposed Zero Waste Plan for New York City
This June, 2004 document lays out in detail the recommendations of a large number of environmental organizations for the next 20 years of solid waste management in New York City with a goal of reaching 100% waste prevention, reuse, recycling and composting, with zero going to thermal treatment, landfilling or export.  The NYC Waste Prevention Coalition initiated many of the ideas.

Planning Recommendations

2004 Comments on City's Solid Waste Management Plan, by Manhattan SWAB
2002 April Testimony on Export, Planning, Waste Comp and Incineration
2000 Draft Solid Waste Management Plan Oral Testimony

Comments on and Questions regarding DEIS for NYC 2000 Solid Waste Management Plan

1997 Recommendations for Manhattan Fresh Kills Closure Task Force

Comments on City Council's Fresh Kills Closure Plan, 1997

Comments on 1995 Plan Update

Comments for Citywide Recycling Advisory Board on First SWMP Update, 1993

Resolution -- 1992 Solid Waste Management Plan

Comments on City's 1992 Solid Waste Management Plan

Recommendations for 1992 Solid Waste Management Plan (included in City SWMPlan's appendix)


Recommended Legislation

NYC E-Waste Bill of 2005
Recommendations for improvements to Intro 29 of 2002, Environmental Procurement by NYC agencies, Feb. 2003
Testimony Supporting Resolution Recommending Expansion of Bottle Laws in New York State, Oct 2002
Recommendations to Improve NYS Solid Waste Management Act & other ideas for state legislation  Feb 1999
San Francisco's Sunshine Law  (a good idea for NYC!)
Intro 482: City Agency Environmental Procurement / Waste Prevention  1998
Fact Sheet on Intro. 482
Testimony on Intro 482
Oral Testimony on Intro 482 - April, 2000
Intro 509 of 1995, NYC Environmental Procurement Legislation (city's link)
Intro 509 of 1995 (different link)
City Agency Waste Prevention Practices
Testimony in Support of Intro. 509, 1995
Recommendations for Waste Prevention Legislation for New York City, March 1994


Budget Testimony

Why Waste the Future? May, 2002 report Exec Summary
Why Waste the Future? May, 2002 report Full Report
Citywide Recycling Advisory Board testimony on recycling budget FY2003 --  4/18/2002
         Marjorie Clarke's statement on improved recycling economics via education,
         Carol Hart's statement on new Recycling Authority
WP Coalition Budget Testimony to Council Sanitation Committee for FY2003, March 2002:
         Summary by Marjorie Clarke
         Westchester's MRF
         Bottle Bill Expansion
         Refillable Bottles
         Collection Efficiencies
         Substitution of recycling for garbage collection
         Waste Match

FY99 Comments: Durables Vocational Training Program

Comments on FY97 Budget

Comments on FY95 Budget to Finance Committee

Oral Testimony on FY94 Budget


Other Recommendations

Recommended Waste Characterization Categories, May 2004
Recommendations on Waste Prevention / Recycling Coordinators, June, 2001
Recommendation for Funding of Citywide Recycling Advisory Board, and Borough Boards

Damming the Waste Stream -- Remarks at Dec. 1999 Waste Prevention Forum

Top Ten Residential Waste Prevention Recommendations

Waste Prevention Composition Categories -- Recommendations for 1998 SAIC Research Study

1995 Testimony to NYS Legislative Commission on Solid Waste Management

Waste Prevention Coalition Testimony and Recommendations

Testimony on Pay as you Throw, Intro 29, Waste-Free NYC, April 2003
Why Waste the Future? May, 2002 report Exec Summary
Why Waste the Future? May, 2002 report Full Report
Waste Prevention Coalition Backgrounder & Position paper, Nov. 2001
Budget Testimony to Council Sanitation Committee for FY2003, March 2002:
         Summary by Marjorie Clarke, Grasscycling, Westchester's MRF, Bottle Bill Expansion,
         Refillable Bottles, Collection Efficiencies, SubstitutionEconomics Waste Match

Observations of and Recommendations for Waste Prevention in New York City, Feb. 2002

Statement of Marjorie J. Clarke, Ph.D. to Sanitation Committee, NYCity Council, Feb. 2002

Resolution regarding NYC Solid Waste Management Plan, Oct. 2000

Waste Prevention  Action Plan  November, 2000

Written Testimony on SAIC Waste Prevention Research Reports, Oct 2000

Oral Testimony -- SAIC Waste Prevention reports / 2000 Solid Waste Management Plan

5-year Waste Prevention Plan for NYC - Spreadsheet of Savings (2001)
Detailed 5-year Waste Prevention Plan for NYC (Spring 2000)
Summary of 5-year Waste Prevention Budget and Plan  (May 2000)

Testimony in Favor of 5-year Waste Prevention  Budget, Spring 2000